What are the requirements for Green Card lottery participants

What are the requirements for Green Card lottery participants

For many years after launching the Green Card lottery, the United States did not impose any strict requirements on participants. However, over time, the U.S. decided that quality should prevail over quantity and established requirements for lottery participants. So, what requirements does the U.S. government impose on Green Card lottery participants? In essence, there aren’t many requirements, but those that exist help filter out individuals who do not meet the necessary qualifications, allowing more educated individuals to take part. Now, let’s get to the specifics.

Basic rules for participating in the Green Card Lottery

The most important requirement: Everyone who wants to participate in the Green Card lottery must be born in one of the eligible countries. The list of countries is not static and changes from year to year based on political, economic, and security situations. If you were born in one of these countries, you can try to participate right now. If you’ve moved to another country, that doesn’t change the fact that you were born in an eligible country. Even if you were not born in an eligible country, but your spouse was, you can submit your application under their country. This is not prohibited.

Countries not participating in the Green Card Lottery DV-2023 (2025 relocation year)

As of 2023, the following countries are not eligible:

  • Bangladesh
  • Brazil
  • United Kingdom (excluding Northern Ireland, but including dependent territories)
  • Haiti
  • Dominican Republic
  • China (mainland and Hong Kong)
  • Colombia
  • India
  • Macau
  • Mexico
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Peru
  • Taiwan
  • Philippines
  • El Salvador
  • South Korea
  • Jamaica

If you were not born in a country where participation in the Green Card lottery is allowed, you have two options:

  1. You can use your marital status and apply from your spouse’s country of birth.
  2. If your parents did not live in a country ineligible for the lottery at the time of your birth, you can apply based on the country of birth of one of your parents.

Second requirement

To participate in the Green Card lottery, you must have completed school (8-9 grades + vocational training) OR obtained a full secondary education (11-12 grades) OR have 2 years of work experience within the last 5 years in a highly skilled profession. Many manufacturing professions are also considered highly skilled.

These two points essentially cover the main requirements for applicants. Each year, additional requirements may arise, such as a certain annual income, but these initiatives are often challenged and overturned in court. Therefore, it’s important to check updated information annually.

Who is prohibited from participating in the Green Card Lottery

Based on the above requirements, we can outline a list of those who are discouraged from participating in the Green Card lottery, as well as additional prohibitions placed on future participants.

The following individuals cannot participate in the lottery:

  • Minors who have not completed school. Parents can apply on their behalf.
  • People without a completed education or work experience.
  • Those born in countries not eligible for the lottery.
  • People with socially dangerous diseases (venereal diseases and contagious respiratory diseases like tuberculosis).
  • Criminals convicted of intentional murder (crime involving moral turpitude).
  • Those banned from entering the U.S. for violating visa laws.
  • Visa fraudsters (e.g., fake marriages).

If you apply for the lottery and win, you may fail the interview, and your case for obtaining a Green Card will not proceed further.